When you make a contribution to the INRF in honor or in memory of someone, you are gifting a legacy. Donations help fund wonderful projects, such as the Indiana Tree Project, the Discover the Outdoors field trip grant, and land acquisitions. When making your donation, be sure to fill in the box titled “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of.”
Donations have been made in memory of the following individuals…
Brian Connor
Bud Seiler
Charles H Spurgeon MD
Christopher M Cunningham
Cindi Lemen
Dale Beam
David Crecelius
Dennis Jackson
Diana Huck
Don D. Thompson
Dwight Hess
Eric Petruzzi
Ethan Flint
Eugenio “Geno” Charnley
Gerald and Louella Gordon
Happy and Zara
James Gentry
Jim Duncan
Jim Groll
John Foster
John and Patricia Fajt
Judy Burton
Louis Sellers and Ervin Tielking
Louise and James Strahl
Margaret I. Craig
Maxine Nielsen
Patricia Burns
Paul Greenwalt
Pauline Smith
Raymond Kincaid
Renisea Hoffman
Rex Myers
Richard Beyer
Richard Ladd
Rick Dean Ratliff
Stas’ Jarosz III
Stewart Rines
Todd Cossette
Tom Franke
Tom Huck
Honorary Donations
Megan Voyles in honor of Baker Hill Fat Bear Week
Charles Williams in honor of Friends of Outdoor Indiana
Krystal Maish in honor of Richard Maish
Kimberly Kallok in honor of Alan Topping
Stanly Baelz in honor of Apple Butter
Michael Mohr in honor of Cecilia Mohr
Michael Mohr in honor of Lucy Mohr
Collette Lucas in honor of Tim Jackson
John and Charlotte Watson in honor of John C. Watson
Elizabeth Koehler in honor of The Nature Conservancy Great Lakes Staff
Karen Beam in honor of Charles and Sue Deitz
Thomas Hakes in honor of fellow veterans
Charles Johnson in honor of Anne and Denny
Samuel Duncan in honor of Darrel Moore
Courtney Romano in honor of Gage Bentley
Michael Kovacs in honor of Josef Newgarden
John Brooks in honor of LC Nature Park
David Harsha in honor of Maryellen Harsha
Laurel Sparks in honor of Junior C. Raney